
El Instagram de este chico te hará recuperar la fe en la humanidad

Konner Sauve, el artífice de este increíble proyecto. Foto: Instagram
Konner Sauve, el artífice de este increíble proyecto. Foto: Instagram @thebenevolentone3

Aún hay esperanza. Entre un sinfín de titulares que denuncian casos de bullying, otros tantos acerca del acoso escolar y un tropel de reportajes sobre el martirio que sufren las víctimas del acoso en Internet, se cuela una increíble historia que nos ha alegrado la mañana. Es la de Konner Sauve, el estudiante que se esconde detrás de @thebenevolentone3, una cuenta de Instagram en la que comparte fotos de sus compañeros de clase para alabar públicamente las virtudes de cada uno.

Sauve, un brillante estudiante del instituto East Valley en Yakima (Washington), ha dedicado el último año a colgar de forma anónima en Instagram 650 imágenes de sus compañeros, destacando lo mejor de cada uno en el pie de foto. “Siempre has tenido un sentido del humor fantástico […] lucha por tus sueños”, “Esta es la chica más dulce que jamás conocerás, se ríe como nadie” o “tienes el nombre más guay de todo el colegio […] es una bendición haber compartido clase contigo durante tres años”, son solo parte de las increíbles palabras que el joven ha dedicado a cada uno de sus compañeros.

Shadow Warrior Okay, hands down. You have the COOLEST name out our school. It is very powerful and courageous, you hold such a high authority it seems with such a name as Shadow Warrior! I would like to acknowledge your consistency in remaining the young man you are and are becoming. As times change it is hard not to totally switch what we believe in and turn into someone we don’t recognize, but you have remained perfectly balanced in this change throughout high school. It is a blessing you have been a part of our school these years, good luck and the BEST of wishes to you in your future!

Una foto publicada por Its About You. You’re Next.☯ (@thebenevolentone3) el

Jory Williams WOW! Another spectacular amazing smart young man! Mr. Williams has always been one of the smartest of the bunch and has never ceased to amaze teachers and his peers of anything less. You are such a bright student, but also a fun guy to be around because you enjoy your time wherever you’re at! IT is exciting to watch a wonderful student like you fighting for your success and now with one year away we will see you achieve your last year of things at the high school level. Good luck and look forward to the future! Una foto publicada por Its About You. You’re Next.☯ (@thebenevolentone3) el


Michaela Wehunt You’ve always had a dry sense of sarcasm and humor about you that perfectly fits your personality. We have had the honor of having you in our class as such a beautiful gal and you never failed to impress anyone with your quick and witty remarks. I’m beyond excited to see the incredible and wondrous plans you plan to execute throughout your life. Strive for those dreams you’ve had because I believe you can fulfill each one of them 🙂


Una foto publicada por Its About You. You’re Next.☯ (@thebenevolentone3) el

Kailie Larson You are full of SASS and ATTITUDE. That kind of personality can NOT be TAMED! Of course you’ll be around for ages showing people your wonderful ways and never failing to make others laugh in your presence. Kailie, I hope you see the impact you’ve made on certain people’s lives because you care for others and that is one of the most selfless acts, you’ve been a blessing to those around you. Never change that sass and striking personality, we need more like you around this world to spruce up life.

Una foto publicada por Its About You. You’re Next.☯ (@thebenevolentone3) el

Después de un año realizando esta preciosa labor, Sauve aprovechó su discurso de graduación para confesar que era él quien colgaba las imágenes. “Quería centrarme en los aspectos positivos de la gente para arrojar luz sobre cada individuo, hacer que se sientan queridos y conseguir que sepan que alguien se preocupa por ellos”, explicó el estudiante.

Gracias Konner Sauve por recordarnos que Internet puede ser un lugar maravilloso.

Puedes leer la noticia completa en The Huffington Post y ver el resto de publicaciones de esta increíble cuenta en Instagram.

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